Thursday, March 27, 2014

Past to Present

To the guy who loved me, but I didn't love back,
I might be the one you need,
But not the one, there's many-- we were just kids.
I might be the most beautiful girl you met,
But not the one God has set.
i might be the love of your life,
But for sure not your future wife.
I am sure, There's someone better.
And she'll come sooner

To the guy I loved, you were my first romace.
That love and hug had its balance,
But it pushed me in letting you go. 
Why? You asked and I realized, I must first learn to dance.
Dance to love myself first, so I could finally say " I love you no more."
I loved you. You were my everything.
You were nothing but my everlasting.
But I must let you go, let you fly high
So I kissed you goodbye.

To the guy I am in love with, you don't know how long I've been waiting for you.
To feel the love that I miss and I want to share with.
From that Love I had gone through that was due,
I can see great path of happiness and tender in your eyes.
Coz the heartbreak has ended.
And a new beginning which is where we are headed. 

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how's that sounds? :)