Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Secret Crush

How do I tell you exactly how I feel
Would you believe me when I say its for real
Or would you walk away from me
Without even trying to seeI've felt like this for a while now
But I never told you, I don't know how
It's very hard for me to explain
But you always stopped me from going insane
For me you have always been there
You were the only person that would care
But my love for you continues to hide
My friend, without you I would have died
I'm afraid you won't feel the same
And you'll think its some game
But its not, this isn't from my head
It's from the heart, not some book I read
I like you more than just a friend
But you probably wouldn't understand
That's why I haven't told you about this feeling
Rejection is what I'm afraid it will bring
So I continue to have this "secret crush"
I want to tell you but the voices say to hush
So I keep it deep down in my heart
Afraid of everything falling apart

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how's that sounds? :)